Tuesday 15 April 2008

To comment or not to comment...

I love getting comments, I don’t get a lot yet still I do not prescribe to the “beggars can’t be choosers” philosophy. Why do I keep getting these messages starting with…I am on my way to the airport…and a link to I do not know what. There is no way I am clicking the link, (I did click on the name and it took me to a rather bare blogger profile) to see where it goes so I delete and move on. The other day I got one and it seemed a bit more reasonable, I clicked on the link and hoped that Avast would scream a warning if I encountered potential trouble. Well it didn’t and I landed neatly at a website/blog for Dell…bloody hell, now instead of a happy feeling when I have a comment I cautiously click, hold my breath and peep from behind my fingers…


Anonymous said...

Could it be your PC posting you comments? If you have a Dell that could be it?

Anonymous said...

Follow this link www.rowesred.blogspot.com and you will find - No updates!

Malcolm said...

Grandad! Ha ha, no Dell fo me, a Compaq from 2006 does the trick...I do not have a renegade computer like you do!!!

Okay Rose, stop all the facebooking and get to it, and I know this only because I am doing the same!!!

Anonymous said...

Nats: I also get spammed to death. They're getting more sneaky by adding a little bit of commentary that almost looks like a comment. I've got a great spam catcher, but it's via WordPress so it won't help you I don't think. It deleted 54 spam comments yesterday. 54!!! x