Monday 3 December 2007

Covert operation

I bought a Christmas tree! It is still in its net (for transportation purposes) and I have to get it sorted out in the morning. Before I can do that I need to re arrange my lounge. I have to do it during the day, Malcolm might not be amused, I think it is bigger than it looked in the lot. Or I have built it up in my mind, this is an ever hopeful thought that pops into my head. When I chose the tree I did keep the ceiling in mind, I did not really think about the circumference of the thing and I think it is really bushy. I am not even sure I can put it in front of the window as planned as it may block out too much light. I have to say though that it is beautiful and I cannot wait to adorn it with all my trinkets. I guess that part can wait until the kids get home...maybe.

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