Yep folks the tree has been abandoned. I was watering it and everything until our visitors arrived and then routines were out of kilter and husbands were home and I forgot. Yesterday with a heavy heart I removed all my little trinkets, of which I had added a few during the festive season, and dragged the messy spruce out the back door. And there it lies on the driveway in the rain, naked and abandoned. It is too depressing, so next year I may have to go with the fake fur because I have never enjoyed a Christmas tree for such a short time before. All the decorations are nestled in their tissues back in the tins and the box is already in the attic, ow!
On the plus side I feel enormously organised when I look into the clean and tidy living room. It has been such a strange Christmas for me. I read englishmuminireland(link under favourite places) and she got me in the spirit for a while. Bought the tree and all, but then with all the visitors I stopped reading her blog and forgot it was Christmas! Seriously I was all out of sync, the kids were not finished a school year, (in S.A the school year runs from January to December) it is WINTER and I am used to summer and we did not go to Knysna. I guess being in a new country did not help and even though the folks came over it really was all out of whack for me. We also do not know too many people yet so we were not organising Christmas Eve parties with our friends and getting ready for a big New Year bash. Somehow I did manage to get all the pressies bought and wrapped, so I was not completely oblivious.
I love the festive season so it really is rather depressing that it is gone and I nearly missed it. I snapped to attention while trying to fall asleep on 23 December and of course lay there planning how I could possibly make things more festive with one day to spare, hence the egg nog, fire in the fire place, candles all over the house and mulled wine, at the last minute. Turned out pretty great in the end, Geraldine dragged me off to the neighbourhood ladies Christmas drinks on Christmas Eve for an hour and on Christmas Day after a wonderful Christmas dinner with the family Martin and Geraldine appeared at the doorstep around 21H00 and invited us over for drinks. We made the most of their wonderful company and got back home at 02H15. I cannot believe that all that is now left is New year and then we are in 2008...let me say that again TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good one!!!
Catch 22
2 days ago
Darling Nats - it's true - we peaked too early! Our tree is bloody bald as well, but still sitting forlornly in the corner, where it sheds another bucket load of needles every time anyone so much as breathes near it! Glad you had a lovely one - and fascinated by the whole brining thing. Did consider it but didn't have anything big enough to contain the monstrous bird! xx
Yep, container is a problem, if I had forward planning I would have bought a great big square storage container that would at least have an alternative use afterwards! Oh well there is always next year, no doubt the bucket will be of no use as it will have been used for mopping or something else yucky!
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