So it is Hi Ho Hi Ho and off to work I go this morning, driving to a parking garage and then catching the luas in to work. Today is a FOUL day - the ducks disagree - but whose listening...ANYWAY.... I go in and have to get my password reset, slight annoyance coz it took 30 minutes but it gave me a chance to catch up with everyone's news!
Then it starts...the doc's note has me booked of for a week, Thursday will be a week. Apparently because of the note I am not insured at work and it is not a chance the company are allowed to take. I offer to write on the back of the note that all is great and besides a stupid limp I am well and able. Nope, the physio who wrote the note needs to give me the nod. So I call her...she tells me that she does not want to put her neck on the line and that if I am happy to be at work so be it, my boss can give her a call but she is not really authorised to supply letters and did it as a favour. Fair enough. But not good enough. So my boss gives her a I have not told you that my physio has verbal diarrhea of the very worst kind and according to the boss he could not get a word in edge ways, she would not budge on the note, told him to tear it up, demanded as to what he was typing while talking to her..blah blah blah...mmmmm.
Then I get call during my noon lunch hour...from my physio...blasting me, she was doing me a favour etc. then says "I did not even know you were going to work today". Well I gave her the best kind of commanding voice I could (even impressed myself - I swear it takes a lot to stop ehr talking) and explained very patiently that I was not holding her to the week on the letter, she would not be responsible but that she most certainly DID know that I was going back to work today, it was a long discussion including the fact that I could not walk to the luas etc...suffice to say I refreshed her memory.
Work then decides that we have 2 options...1. the GP down the road for a note or, 2. I go home. The GP is called and we discover that I cannot get an appointment today so option 2 came into play and I got sent make my next appearance in the office on Thursday...with a chocolate cake, in lieu of spending time at the office I get to do my thang in the kitchen!
Catch 22
2 days ago
I guess you could make 2 chocolate cakes in the time you are home and invite your friends round for tea, couldn't you? ;-)
Good thinking!!! Not an impossiility, what time will you be here?
Green green green......
Jelousy makes you nasty!!! LOL...wish you could come and eat cake with me...
Aaaah, only checked the message now - got to bath Em, make dinner, do homework and get off to college, I'm just like I was in school leave the homework for the last minute. Hope the cake turned out well and you enjoyed. How is the leg?
My oven's busted :(
It's not so much the cakes I miss but the homemade pizza.
Oooohhhh I LOVE home made pizza...and I have not made it in sooooo long, hope your oven is back to melting cheese soon
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