Tuesday, the day for getting the Eirerule hotel ready for its August guests and I found myself driving down to Gory in Wexford, an hour away, to fetch my youngest. I still had some linen to change, dinners to cook, but generally I felt I had TIME. Until THE phone call.
Everything was turned on its head. It was a recruitment agent, a client wanted a telephone interview with me, could they possibly call me today? I did some rapid calculations in my head and we agreed on 14h30 - I could be contacted on the land line, thus eliminating bad reception. I needed time to read through my c.v, make some notes AND get some information on the rather large company that I could potentially be employed by.
I KNEW that I would never have time to get all of this done and so I gave hubby a quick call and he did some research and emailed me some links and information, phew thanks!!!
I knew that my plans for grocery shopping and the final once over of the house were now out the window, Dave and Emily were rapidly heading towards Dublin, as was I after my personal best "just a quick coffee" with Jane, could not leave without a chat!
I made it home by 13h30, got a load of washing on, checked my email, read through all the information made notes on my cv and started getting nervous.
At 14h30 the phone rang, impressive! We had a great chat, he asked me a few questions about my cv, told me a little bit about the position and the interview process, discovered we had both lived in New York, chatted about moving to Dublin, pretty easy territory in the end.
He explained that he was going to make some notes and would contact the agent later and she would then update me.
I put the phone down after 10 minutes with D, and immediately dialled the agent as she had requested. Her line was busy so i left a message and when she called back told me that she had received a message to call me and D at the same time, she had called me first for feedback...I said I thought it had gone well, but who really knows, the fact that he called her immediately after chatting to me was a good sign wasn't it?
Turns out it was, and a logistical nightmare began. He wanted to see me before Friday, which was not possible for me with all our guests and apparently the interview is 2 1/2 hours and a lot of research is required so N did not want me to go without doing SOME planning. Eventually I agreed on Thursday at 16h30 but told N to explain that I would probably not be fully prepared but was happy to try anyway. N called her client and he said that he felt I needed a fair chance and changed the interview time to 11h00 on Friday with 2 of his colleagues.
I was on a high after all the phone calls and the good news, Dave and Emily were around the corner and I needed milk.....oh and a suit for my interview. Sh*t.
Milk first, Dave and Emily had been travelling all day and I was sure a cup of tea or coffee would be most welcome, a dash to the store for milk and by the time I got home they had arrived!
We all sat around and had a good catch up, me on a HUGE buzz, think they must have thought I was fully caffeinated... and then I sheepishly told them I needed to go and buy a suit as I was not sure I would get another chance. It all worked out well, Em wanted to come shopping too and Dave was happy to sit and watch the Olympics.
I found myself standing in the M&S change rooms staring at a strange but familiar figure in a suit, how very bizarre. Luckily for me the very first one I tried on was actually rather flattering, although the skirt was a bit big, so after finding a smaller size and celebrating that fact, I grabbed the shoes, shirt and suit paid for my purchases and calmed down at last!
Catch 22
2 days ago
Hey, well done and good luck!! Tell me more please, I need some details!
Jeez...the post is sooooo looonnngggg already, will definitely send you more detail via skype, or email.
If you need something done, ask a busy woman! Sounds like you could fill that role; time & coffee with friends, housework and an intrview all by 15.00. All the best with the interview, not only do I hope you get it but that it's also just what you're looking for in a job (and pays buckets).
Ahhh thanks Lizle! I hope it is what I am looking for too!
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